July 21st Meeting

What a great night for a meeting of the Republican Women of Rutherford County. Yes, it was storming outside, but great conversations were occurring in the GOP Headquarters. There were several guests at tonight’s meeting and we are so excited about the growth our organization is seeing. We hope more Republican women will decide to join our group of strong, politically minded females who support conservative values.

Jo Atwood joined our group tonight to talk a few minutes about her campaign to be Circuit Court Judge. She was appointed by Governor Lee to replace retired Circuit Judge Royce Taylor. We were excited to hear that she was the first woman in that position for our area.

Our Speaker for tonight was District 37’s Representative Charlie Baum. Representative Baum shared a PowerPoint about what his job included as well as types of legislation that have been before the House and experiences he has had in his position. A question and answer session followed concerning the state budget and how covid19 has affected it.